Golf Handmade Dartboard


Very fun, beautiful dartboard!  Similar game play to real golf, beautiful functional art you can leave on the wall.  Darts, Instructions, and score card included.  See “Videos” page for video instructions.

SKU: 025944007007 Category:

Golf Darts Suggested Rule Sheet – Right Triangle Games

Starting position = 8 feet from board or 8 lengths of your feet if you don’t have a tape measure.

Any throws resulting in hitting any water or sandtrap results in one additional penalty stroke.

Par 5 – Holes 1, 4, 5

Must hit the fairway twice.

Miss fairway on throw 1 = move one foot length forward try again.

Hit fairway on throw 2 = move one foot length forward try again and so on until you hit the fairway twice.

This continues until you can reach out and press the dart into the board, then you begin putting.

After hitting the fairway twice, move back to the original 8 feet away throwing position to begin putting.  See “Putting” below.

Par 4 – Holes 2, 6, 8

Must hit the fairway once.

Miss fairway on throw 1 = move one foot length forward try again.

Miss fairway on throw 2 = move one foot length forward try again and so on until you hit the fairway once.

This continues until you can reach out and press the dart into the board, then you begin putting.

After hitting the fairway once, move back to the original 8 feet away throwing position.

Par 3 – Holes 3, 7, 9

Par 3 holes have no fairway so jump right to putting rules.

Putting / Par 3

Begin putting back at the starting 8 feet away distance.

How you successfully make a putt depends on your ability level:

Beginner: For a made putt: must hit anywhere in the dark green putting green, light green outer circle, or white inner circle

Intermediate: For a made putt: must hit light green circle or white inner circle

Advanced: For a made putt: must hit white inner circle

Always remember these are “Suggested Rules” it is fun to think up your own rules too!